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Not Anymore


And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes: there shaII be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.  There shall   no more pain, for the former things have passed away. R v. 21:4,NKJV

What we have not experienced, we simply cannot comprehend. Thus describing the bliss and beauty of heaven is all well and good, but it is an exercise in futility, because we cannot imagine it (1 Cor. 2:9). Perhaps that is why the Scriptures portray heaven in terms of what we can understand. In heaven, with Jesus, there will be no more tears, no more pain, no more cuts and bruises or skinned knees, no more pain of death, no more goodbyes, no more loneliness, no more broken relationships, no more arguments, no more fighting, no more separation, no more divorce, no more abortion, no more abandonment, no more spousal or child or employee abuse, no more slavery, no more coercion of any kind. That means there will be no more fear, no more sickness, no more cancer, no more disease, no more broken bones, hearts, windows, or homes. No more hunger or starvation, no more thirst, no more shortness of breath or asphyxiation. No more predation, no more parasites. There will be no more killing oneself slowly with alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, and no more killing oneself quickly by jumping off a bridge or a building or pulling the trigger. No more guns, no more bombs, no more terrorism. Nothing will hurt or destroy. Heaven will contain nothing that causes pain, sorrow, or tears.

Are you noticing that these are things so common in our sin-sick world that we hardly take notice anymore? We accept them as the reality of life. How sad. But in heaven there will be no more sin or selfishness, no more deceit, no more cheating, no more lying, no more greed, no more looking for love in all the wrong places, no more philandering, no more sorcery or witchcraft, no killing, no war. Heaven will have no more backstabbing, no more scheming how to get ahead, no more gossip, no more cunning, no more guile, no more defamation of character. No more empty entertainment or gambling. People will cease chasing after other gods, breaking the Sabbath, dishonoring parents, and committing murder or adultery. No one will steal or lie against their neighbor. And there won’t be any wishing for any­thing more because, at last, our joy will be full. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

My Lord and my God, my alpha and omega, all praise and honor is “Your sin heaven and on earth forever and ever. My heart is filled with joy indescribable just thinking about it.

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